Getting git under MinGW (2012/03/05)
So, Git for Windows offers a working git under Windows – in a strange variant form of the MinGW environment that lacks all the usual creature comforts.
[read more...]Quick review: ASUS G53SX (2012/02/27)
To make a long story short, the price of playing games with my spouse is having a 15" gaming laptop. We picked the ASUS G53SX because I have been pretty happy with my older G73JH.
[read more...]Rails: How to SANELY connect to an old database (2012/02/10)
The world is full of helpful people advising that, to connect a model to another database, you just do:
[read more...]Phishing continues to succeed, banks mystified. (2012/02/07)
Canon Vixia HF S30 works fine with Mac (2012/01/28)
Attempts to research this failed, so I went to National Camera and checked it out. Yes, the S30 works fine with Mac. The dozens of badly-done fake blogs selling software to allow you to copy the stuff off it are, so far as I can tell, meaningless; it works fine.
[read more...]Guys, guys. This is stupid. (2012/01/27)
So, I wanted to add tumblr to my Android tablet.
[read more...]Law of unintended consequences (2012/01/27)
The community over on tumblr (note: my tumblr blog is even more NSFW than this one) is interesting. See. Jesse and I are, quite obviously and visibly, Very Much In Love. And our mutual friend, Luka, has adopted the role of Jesse’s kismesis, which results in hilarity as Jesse and Luka insult each other loudly and obviously.
[read more...]Google+: Getting there, but not there yet (2012/01/26)
Much-lauded announcements that Google+ allows pseudonyms turn out to mean that you can maybe get one through a procedure which doesn’t exist by filling out a nonexistent application.
[read more...]Oh, apparently, Blizzard still hates gays (2012/01/07)
Apparently (it says a lot about Blizzard’s continued relevance to my world), back in October, Blizzard aired a long homophobic rant at Blizzcon. (No, it wasn’t bleeped at the actual con. EDIT: Or at least so some bloggers claimed.) Then there was a sort of half-baked apology. Eventually they posted an actual apology.
[read more...]Buffer overruns (2011/12/22)
My spare cognitive capacity for the forseeable future will be on buffer overruns. I just saw a hunk of code which struck me as truly spectacular, in a number of ways, and it occurred to me that there is some kind of fundamental barrier here. I don’t think there’s been any time in the last fifteen years where I could possibly have made that mistake. I’m alert to this in some kind of structural way; that particular subclass of errors just leaps out at me.
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