This is what I consider fun (2011/10/10)
Got a bug report. Studied the bug report. In it, apparently, a variable was ceasing to have its former value. Like, someone stored 3.0 in a variable, and a bit later, it was no longer equal to 3.0.
[read more...]Charity marathons for people who do not actually run (2011/10/10)
So, I’ve signed up for one of those charity drive marathon things. The gimmick is, instead of running 26 miles, we’re playing video games for 24 hours.
[read more...]More random ideas! (2011/08/19)
So, I got to thinking. How does anyone know that the One Ring can only be destroyed in the fire in which it was forged? And how common is that kind of limitation?
[read more...]DRM sucks. Film at 11. (2011/08/06)
Apple’s got a new gimmick. They will now “rent” videos as well as “selling” them. If you “rent” a video, you can watch it for about 24 hours. If you “buy” it, you can watch it… for some unspecified period of time until it stops working.
[read more...]Power is hard to get (2011/07/18)
Someone on Usenet made a partial list of reasons that various power technologies were unsuitable. I have cleaned it up.
[read more...]Problems with PostgreSQL 8, and PHP 5.2, on Mac OS X (2011/07/14)
For future reference:
[read more...]I believe in ESPs (2011/07/13)
So, there’s a category of business which I am by default not much inclined to like, which is businesses which do pretty much nothing that isn’t focused on sending email. You might call such businesses “spammers”. But there’s a subset of these businesses which, I am now forced to grudgingly admit, reduce the amount of spam I get.
[read more...]RYGCBM color space. (2011/07/12)
Okay, so. Light lets you assemble colors from R/G/B. Ink uses C/M/Y. So, for instance, R+G light = yellow.
[read more...]Just for my own reference... (2011/07/10)
Long ago, I got sick of silly backgrounds for WoW characters. I decided to treat it not as a thing I disliked… but as a challenge. Reposted here since I don’t have easy access to it elsewhere.
[read more...]Why RIFT is not a WoW clone. (2011/07/01)
This is partially a response to a forum poster on the RIFT forums asking whether someone could write an explanation of how RIFT is different from WoW without using the word “rifts”. To some extent, I think that’s unfair; after all, the rifts are a significant difference for me. But okay, let’s see.
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