Be not afraid. (2003/12/25)
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Party preparation (2003/12/23)
Here’s how you prepare for a party. You vacuum a rug that probably hasn’t been vacuumed before this millennium. It turns out the dusty pink carpet is actually sort of a deep maroon.
[read more...]"Charlie" McCarthy (2003/12/22)
Please disregard this post. Unless, that is, you know what the letters “C”, “M”, and “U” have to do with Charlie McCarthy, and the word “Gail” means something to you, in which case, everything’s moving up two weeks. Drat this inefficient cell structure!
[read more...]Pathetic. Just pathetic, really. (2003/12/20)
So, I was at SuperAmerica (local convenience store chain), and some guy stole about $40 of gas. Put gas in truck, drove off without even hanging up the hose.
[read more...]Company X is Belkin. (2003/12/19)
In this article, I refer to “Company X”. Actually, I referred to Belkin, but the editorial staff deemed it best to avoid too clear a mention.
[read more...]Lord of the Rings movies (2003/12/18)
I’m always torn. I really enjoy these movies, but I sometimes wish that they’d stayed closer to the books; on the other hand, that would have made six to nine hours per movie. Maybe it’ll be a miniseries some day.
[read more...]Why would a guitar need documentation, anyway? (2003/12/15)
I’m gonna be writing some documentation for a guitar company.
[read more...]Self-employment tax (2003/12/12)
Here’s the idea: If you get paid, some amount of your money is due in taxes. If you were self employed, you then pay additional taxes on that money. Why? I don’t know why. It’s presumably because self-employed people are bad for the economy, because a single guy working directly for his customers imposes so much extra overhead compared to what a good chain of middle-men can do… This is a plausible explanation for part of the tax code because it’s precisely backwards, and perfectly stupid.
[read more...]Weirdest research ever. (2003/12/08)
So, I’m going to be writing the user’s manual for a guitar. So, as part of my research for this job, I, uhm, I moved a bunch of synthesizers upstairs and hooked them up.
[read more...]Sorry, out sick again. (2003/11/29)
Actually, I’m mostly better. Stomach flu of some sort; out cold for about a day, suddenly feeling almost well again.
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