I can't write well with a cold. (2003/09/29)
I have, over the years, gradually learned my limits. One of them is that, when I have a cold, that vague sense of disassociation with what’s happening means that my writing is probably a lot less coherent than it seems. Thus, I don’t write much when I have a cold. The relevance of this is left as an exercise for the reader.
[read more...]Learning about cats by observation. (2003/09/27)
My cats were being cute, and I wanted a picture. I got out the camera.
[read more...]Cartoons! (2003/09/25)
The Cranky User book, it turns out, is likely to have cartoons. At least one of the cartoons won’t be in the book - it’s a bit over the top. But there should be a few cartoons, to spruce things up a bit. Beloved Spouse is doing a couple, and a friend from Internet Infidels has volunteered to contribute some. YAY!
[read more...]Car alarms. (2003/09/24)
What do these numbers have in common?
[read more...]Don't forget that tomorrow is "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (2003/09/18)
Hallmark hasn’t covered it yet, but Dave Barry has. Tomorrow, September 19th, is Talk Like a Priate Day.
[read more...]Car alarms (2003/09/15)
The car alarm across the street is going off again.
[read more...]TM is back in town! (2003/09/12)
TM, my ex-roommate, is back in town. He spent a year in Pearl Harbor, working for Naval Intelligence. There is a great deal of fun to be had explaining to people that “TM used to be in the Army”. No matter how often you do this, he always corrects you. Politely, but he corrects you. “TM used to be in the army.” “Navy.” “Oh, yeah, TM’s ex-army.” “Navy.” It’s great fun.
[read more...]I seem to be a writer. (2003/09/10)
For months, I’ve been saying “gosh, it looks like I’m sort of turning into a writer”.
[read more...]Lies, and the lying liars who lie about the people who tell them. (2003/09/04)
I heard Al Franken on the radio last night. I didn’t take notes, but here’s roughly what he said that caught my attention:
[read more...]Who's Kiki, anyway? (2003/09/01)
I dunno. Kiki was this one chick. Back when there was a Mandy’s, we used to go there late at night to have coffee. Sometimes, Kiki would be there. It was a great little place. We saw Joel Hodgson there a couple of times. Once, when someone played a ballad on the jukebox, a couple of people did the “holding lighters in the air” thing for a while. Everyone there was always your friend, even if you had no idea who she was.
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