Thank you for your concern (2012/06/26)
I was sent a copy of a reply to my recent opinions piece in the Star Tribune. I think it deserves some commentary and consideration.
[read more...]Idle thought: Should we mandate statistically better things? (2012/06/26)
One of the premises of much anti-gay legislation is the notion that, since a particular family structure is asserted to be “better”, that we should push everyone towards that and penalize alternatives.
[read more...]Anytime Fitness: Good idea, horrible billing company. (2012/06/25)
So, we have had for a while a membership in a thing called “Anytime Fitness”, whose basic premise is that they issue keyfobs that give 24 hour access to a fitness facility; exercise machines, etcetera.
[read more...]Propaganda analyzed: The threat to honest discussion about marriage (2012/06/24)
You’ve probably read some of the arguments advanced by proponents of the marriage amendment on the ballot in Minnesota this November. I want to analyze one such document for you, to show you why I conclude it is willfully dishonest – not just ignorant, or misguided, but deceitful at every level.
[read more...]The soul of the thing (2012/06/23)
Reading David Blankenhorn’s article in the New York Times, I think I have come to understand what went wrong in attempts to preserve “marriage”.
[read more...]Another way to come around to new views on gay marriage... (2012/06/22)
David Blankenhorn now supports the legal right to gay marriage.
[read more...]Junk science (2012/06/10)
So, it’s pretty well established that there is a market for bad science – that is to say, “science” which is really carefully-crafted to produce a particular set of results for which there is a market demand.
[read more...]The role of investors and investment (2012/05/29)
One of the standard talking points of the political “right” is that scattering the wealth of very wealthy people prevents them from “creating jobs”.
[read more...]The Pinkie Pie case for gay marriage (2012/05/24)
Marriages mean weddings. Weddings mean parties, with cake! More marriages mean more weddings. More weddings mean more parties, with more cake! Allowing gay marriage means MORE CAKE and MORE PARTIES.
[read more...]Followup: Why you can't rely on logical disclaimers (2012/05/21)
It has been pointed out that my previous article about the famous “the talk: non-black version” seemed to imply that I do not understand the full weight of the “only when you have no better information” qualifier.
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