People, this is... not sane. (2012/03/20)
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Turnabout: Still fair play (2012/03/16)
Proposed restrictions on Viagra
[read more...]Balance in journalism (2012/03/15)
NPR has some new standards up, which “clarify” the way in which they pursue balance.
[read more...]Silly Texas (2012/03/14)
Possibility that an innocent unborn life with no central nervous system might be ended: It is necessary to legally mandate raping the mother with a device in order to prevent this risk.
[read more...]Health care, and why fraud-prevention is suicide for someone else (2012/03/13)
So, a friend of mine is on government-provided health care. And while it’s great that this exists, I’d like to point out just how horrendously broken the system is.
[read more...]Important not to be distracted (2012/03/07)
It’s important not to let those two particular words Rush Limbaugh used to describe a law student woman distract you from the message. Okay, just ignore those two words. Pretend he didn’t say “slut” or “prostitute”.
[read more...]The reverse-Bechdel test (2012/02/27)
The “Bechdel test” is a test which categorizes movies based on a simple criterion: At some point in the movie, is there a conversation between two women which is not about a man?
[read more...]Discrimination, fairness, and making comparisons (2012/01/30)
So there’s this guy in Tennessee, part of their legislature. He says stupid stuff, like claiming that it’s virtually impossible to transmit HIV through heterosexual sex (not true).
[read more...]Thoughts about tone (2012/01/27)
While browsing for something else, I stumbled across a remark by Tyler Cowen observing the benefits of polite discourse. Or at least the disadvantages of rudeness.
[read more...]Why SOPA really is that bad (2012/01/18)