Ahh, stupidity and evil. (2011/11/15)
[read more...]The foundational economics problem (2011/11/10)
We like to make fun of the music industry for being wedded to a fundamentally broken business model, based on a flawed assumption. But you know what? Our entire modern economy is predicated on a single, key, assumption, which is also false:
[read more...]Gay rights activists win right to be shot at openly (2011/10/04)
I am not sure this was well considered. It is now in some cases legal to tell an openly gay guy to stand somewhere and be shot at, where previously you would have been required to send him somewhere that he wouldn’t be shot at.
[read more...]I think the need for an Internet "kill switch" is now clear (2011/02/03)
Thanks to recent events in Egypt, I think it’s now clear why the American government desperately needs an Internet “kill switch” available.
[read more...]"Eliminationist" -- what a lovely word (2011/01/11)
I was discussing the recent shootings with my mom, and pointed out that I can’t help but feel that the widespread use of crosshair graphics and “take to the streets” type language might be a contributor to such things. She pointed out that this rhetoric is not particularly exclusive to the right wing. That’s true, both “sides” in US politics have tended to it of late. She also gave me a word for it; “eliminationist rhetoric”.
[read more...]Why health care is an outlier (2010/11/18)
I’m a pretty consistent sort, usually. I am a big fan of market economies as a way to allocate resources. They work. They work for all sorts of things, from steak dinners to cars, from telephones to glassware.
[read more...]Rep. Bill Young, of Florida: Constitution was a bad idea. (2009/02/03)
Er, maybe this is dumb, but... (2008/09/29)
So, our government is arguing about how to spend hundreds of billions of dollars “rescuing” our financial system. In a great hurry.
[read more...]Support the troops! (2007/09/07)
So, I’ve been talking of late to a friend who is in the military, and talking about things like Afghanistan (did you know that the US is involved in military action over there?) and Iraq (you probably heard about that one).
[read more...]Smashing! Hand!! With hammer!!! (2006/08/23)
One of my favorite cartoons, Bob the Angry Flower, turned out a bit of political commentary:
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