Discrimination, fairness, and making comparisons (2012/01/30)
So there’s this guy in Tennessee, part of their legislature. He says stupid stuff, like claiming that it’s virtually impossible to transmit HIV through heterosexual sex (not true).
[read more...]Canon Vixia HF S30 works fine with Mac (2012/01/28)
Attempts to research this failed, so I went to National Camera and checked it out. Yes, the S30 works fine with Mac. The dozens of badly-done fake blogs selling software to allow you to copy the stuff off it are, so far as I can tell, meaningless; it works fine.
[read more...]Guys, guys. This is stupid. (2012/01/27)
So, I wanted to add tumblr to my Android tablet.
[read more...]Thoughts about tone (2012/01/27)
While browsing for something else, I stumbled across a remark by Tyler Cowen observing the benefits of polite discourse. Or at least the disadvantages of rudeness.
[read more...]Law of unintended consequences (2012/01/27)
The community over on tumblr (note: my tumblr blog is even more NSFW than this one) is interesting. See. Jesse and I are, quite obviously and visibly, Very Much In Love. And our mutual friend, Luka, has adopted the role of Jesse’s kismesis, which results in hilarity as Jesse and Luka insult each other loudly and obviously.
[read more...]People like to be heard (2012/01/26)
So, thinking about it.
[read more...]Google+: Getting there, but not there yet (2012/01/26)
Much-lauded announcements that Google+ allows pseudonyms turn out to mean that you can maybe get one through a procedure which doesn’t exist by filling out a nonexistent application.
[read more...]I have VERY FEELS about language and ethics (2012/01/24)
I admit it, I’m pretty much a language snob. Some of this is quasi-intentional; I’ve learned that people who say stuff like “i dont read alot of books lol” are often frustrating for me to deal with. Whatever it is, I just plain filter people who write “poorly”.
[read more...]Autism and identity (2012/01/23)
Tyler Cowen has a really interesting piece with the catchy title An Economic and Rational Choice Approach to the Autism Spectrum and Human Neurodiversity. I found it interesting, anyway.
[read more...]Rules, boundaries, and autism (2012/01/22)
Something that has screwed me up occasionally is that I tend to take people precisely at their word.
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