ability |
The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
abilityName |
The name of the ability used.
caster |
The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
casterName |
The name of this event's initiator, if available.
crit |
Whether this was the result of a critical hit.
damage |
The amount of damage actually done.
damageAbsorbed |
The amount of damage absorbed.
damageBlocked |
The amount of damage blocked.
damageDeflected |
The amount of damage deflected.
damageIntercepted |
The amount of damage intercepted.
damageModified |
The amount of damage modified.
overkill |
The amount of overkill done.
target |
The unit ID for the target.
targetName |
The name of the target, if available.
type |
The damage type. Values include "life", "death", "air", "earth", "fire", "water".