
Signals damage done to a unit. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this event's handlers.


infoparametervariantDetailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
ability The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
abilityName The name of the ability used.
caster The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
casterName The name of this event's initiator, if available.
crit Whether this was the result of a critical hit.
damage The amount of damage actually done.
damageAbsorbed The amount of damage absorbed.
damageBlocked The amount of damage blocked.
damageDeflected The amount of damage deflected.
damageIntercepted The amount of damage intercepted.
damageModified The amount of damage modified.
overkill The amount of overkill done.
target The unit ID for the target.
targetName The name of the target, if available.
type The damage type. Values include "life", "death", "air", "earth", "fire", "water".