ability |
The ID of the ability that created this buff. Not guaranteed to exist.
begin |
The time the buff started, in the context of Inspect.Time.Frame.
caster |
Unit ID of the buff's caster.
curse |
Signals that the buff is a curse.
debuff |
Signals that the buff is a debuff. If this is missing, then it's an actual buff.
description |
Description for the buff. Numbers may not be accurate - see Command.Buff.Describe().
descriptionComplete |
Signals that the buff description is complete.
disease |
Signals that the buff is a disease.
duration |
Duration of the buff in seconds.
expired |
Number of seconds the buff is past its expiration time. Generally indicates lag.
icon |
Resource filename of the buff's icon.
id |
The ID of the requested element.
name |
Name of the buff.
noncancelable |
Signals that the buff cannot be voluntarily canceled. Does not show up for debuffs.
poison |
Signals that the buff is a poison.
remaining |
Time remaining on the buff, in seconds.
rune |
If this buff is created by a rune, the ID of the rune causing it.
stack |
Number of stacks on the buff.
type |
The buff type ID.