
Provides detailed information about a quest.


detail = Inspect.Quest.Detail(quest)
details = Inspect.Quest.Detail(quests)
questparameterquestThe quest to retrieve detail for.
questsparametertableA table of quests to retrieve detail for.
detailresulttableDetail table for a single quest.
detailsresulttableDetail tables for all requested quests.
categoryName The name of the category this quest is placed under.
complete Signals that this quest is complete.
description The long description for this quest.
domain The quest's domain. May be "area", "guild", "instant", or "zone". Personal quests are signaled with nil.
failed Signals that this quest has failed.
id The ID of the requested element.
mode This quest's mode, if it has a special mode. May be "story" or "soul".
name The name of this quest.
objective A table of objectives. Each objective is a table that may contain the following members: "description", representing the quest's full description. "count", representing how many elements must be completed to finish this quest. "countDone", representing how many elements have been completed. "complete", indicating that this objective is complete. "indicator", listing all the map indicators that can be used to complete this quest.
rewardChoose Lists the possible reward choices for the player. The key is the item type, the value is the count.
rewardCoin The amount of silver this quest's completion will award.
rewardExperience The amount of experience this quest's completion will award.
rewardExperienceGuild The amount of guild experience this quest's completion will award.
rewardFavor The amount of favor this quest's completion will award.
rewardGuaranteed Lists the guaranteed rewards for the player. The key is the item type, the value is the count.
rewardNotoriety The amount of notoriety this quest's completion will award, represented as a table. The key is the faction ID, the value is the amount.
rewardPrestige The amount of prestige this quest's completion will award.
summary The short summary for this quest.
tag The quest's tags, space-separated.
tagName The quest's tags, localized.
track Signals that this quest is being manually tracked.
watch Signals that this quest is being watched.