blurX |
Controls how much blurring exists along the X axis. Defaults to 2.
blurY |
Controls how much blurring exists along the Y axis. Defaults to 2.
colorA |
Controls the alpha channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 1.
colorB |
Controls the blue channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
colorG |
Controls the green channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
colorR |
Controls the red channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
knockout |
Enables the "knockout" effect. Defaults to false.
offsetX |
Controls the glow offset along the X axis. Defaults to 0.
offsetY |
Controls the glow offset along the Y axis. Defaults to 0.
replace |
Hides the original text. Defaults to false.
strength |
Controls the strength of the glow. Defaults to 1.