Yay for software... (2003/05/24)
So, I decided to try movabletype. I mostly like it, except for the way it specifies sizes that don’t work with the huge fonts I love to use. See, I’m a sucker for high resolution displays - and thus, for huge fonts. So, most of the time, when I’m browsing the web, I don’t see ANY fonts under 18 points - I set that as a minimum font size in Mozilla. Unfortunately, MovableType seems to have specified a few things in pixels, so I’ll have to go fix those eventually. Eventually. For now, I’m just happy, not just to have a blog, but to have gotten my first comment! :)
[read more...]Two more pictures up on the store... (2003/05/24)
These are oldies, but I liked them a lot. Both are in the fantasy art section of the store.
[read more...]New art scans! (2003/05/23)
I’ve wanted these pictures scanned in for a long time; years, probably. I don’t even remember what year these pictures were done in, but these are the pictures my spouse did for our Christmas cards one year.
[read more...]What's that strange yellow thing in the east? (2003/05/23)
One of the wonders of being a freelance writer and consultant is that there’s almost never any reason to get up in the morning. I am one of those people who, allowed to drift freely, gets up around noon most days. Today, I had to get up a whole two hours early to begin the interminable wait for a delivery truck - which may or may not come in before noon anyway.
[read more...]Traditionally, one always starts a blog... (2003/05/22)
Traditionally, one always starts a blog by pointing to another blog. (If this isn’t a tradition already, it should be.)
[read more...]Just what the world needs, another blog. (2003/05/22)
Well, I’m a writer these days, so I do a lot of typing, and a lot of muttering under my breath, and I thought this would be a great way to combine them!
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